Revision of Clinical Case Definitions: Influenza-Like Illness and Severe Acute Respiratory Infection [Révision de Définitions de Cas Cliniques: Syndrome de Type Grippal Et Infection Aigüe Sévère Des Voies Respiratoires] [Revisión de Las Definiciones de Los Casos Clínicos: Enfermedad Similar a la Gripe e Infección Respiratoria Aguda Grave]

Fitzner, J
Qasmieh, S
Mounts, AW
Alexander, B
Besselaar, T
Briand, S
Brown, C
Clark, S
Dueger, E
Mott, J
Olivera, MTC
Ortiz, JR
Palekar, R
Soetens, L
Yahaya, AA
Zhang, W
Vandemaele, K
Document Type
Year published
in Bulletin of the World Health Organization, ISSN: 0042-9686
Volume: 96, Issue: 2, Pages: 122-128
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85041512363
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0042-9686
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Fitzner, J;   2 Qasmieh, S;   3 Mounts, AW;
4 Alexander, B;   5 Besselaar, T;   6 Briand, S;
7 Brown, C;   8 Clark, S;   9 Dueger, E;
10 Gross, D;   11 Hauge, S;   12 Hirve, S;
13 Jorgensen, P;   14 Katz, MA;   15 Mafi, A;
16 Malik, M;   17 McCarron, M;   18 Meerhoff, T;
19 Mori, Y;   20 Mott, J;   21 Olivera, MTC;
22 Ortiz, JR;   23 Palekar, R;   24 Rebelo De Andrade, H;
25 Soetens, L;   26 Yahaya, AA;   27 Zhang, W;
28 Vandemaele, K;