Clinical Practice Recommendations for Treatment with Active Vitamin D Analogues in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease Stages 2-5 and on Dialysis

Shroff, R
Wan, M
Nagler, EV
Cozzolino, M
Bacchetta, J
Edefonti, A
Stefanidis, CJ
Vande Walle, J
Ariceta, G
Printza, N
Vidal, E
Jankauskiene, A
Zurowska, A
Do Sameiro Faria, M
Sartz, L
Karabay Bayazit, A
Duzova, A
Hothi, D
Document Type
Year published
in Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, ISSN: 0931-0509
Volume: 32, Issue: 7, Pages: 1114-1127
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85042512895
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0931-0509
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Shroff, R;   2 Wan, M;   3 Nagler, EV;
4 Bakkaloǧlu, S;   5 Cozzolino, M;   6 Bacchetta, J;
7 Edefonti, A;   8 Stefanidis, CJ;   9 Vande Walle, J;
10 Ariceta, G;   11 Klaus, G;   12 Haffner, D;
13 Schmitt, CP;   14 Prytula, A;   15 Reusz, G;
16 Verrina, E;   17 Groothoff, J;   18 Gamero, MA;
19 Petrosyan, E;   20 Dursun, I;   21 Aufricht, C;
22 Vande Walle, J;   23 Vondrak, K;   24 Holtta, T;
25 Ranchin, B;   26 Fischbach, M;   27 Printza, N;
28 Vidal, E;   29 Jankauskiene, A;   30 Zurowska, A;
31 Do Sameiro Faria, M;   32 Sartz, L;   33 Karabay Bayazit, A;
34 Duzova, A;   35 Hothi, D;