Oxysterol Sensing Through the Receptor Gpr183 Promotes the Lymphoid-Tissue-Inducing Function of Innate Lymphoid Cells and Colonic Inflammation

Kammoun, H
García Cassani, B
Chesné, J
Parigi, SM
Jacob, JM
Cheng, HW
Evren, E
Das, S
Czarnewski, P
Scandella, E
Hepworth, MR
Huber, S
Ludewig, B
Peduto, L
Villablanca, EJ
Veiga Fernandes, H
Pereira, JP
Flavell, RA
Willinger, T
Document Type
Year published
in Immunity, ISSN: 1074-7613
Volume: 48, Issue: 1, Pages: 120-132.e8
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85044843984
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1074-7613
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Emgård, J;   2 Kammoun, H;   3 García Cassani, B;
4 Chesné, J;   5 Parigi, SM;   6 Jacob, JM;
7 Cheng, HW;   8 Evren, E;   9 Das, S;
10 Czarnewski, P;   11 Sleiers, N;   12 Melo Gonzalez, F;
13 Kvedaraite, E;   14 Svensson, M;   15 Scandella, E;
16 Hepworth, MR;   17 Huber, S;   18 Ludewig, B;
19 Peduto, L;   20 Villablanca, EJ;   21 Veiga Fernandes, H;
22 Pereira, JP;   23 Flavell, RA;   24 Willinger, T;