DIAGNOSIS: History, Physical Examination, Imaging, and Arthroscopy: Proceedings of the International Consensus Meeting on Cartilage Repair of the Ankle

van Bergen, CJA
Baur, OL
Murawski, CD
Spennacchio, P
Zhang, Z
Group Author(s)
Int Consensus Grp Cartilage Repair
Document Type
Year published
Volume: 39, Issue: 1_suppl, Pages: 3S-8S (6)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85049885973
Wos: WOS:000438570400002
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1071-1007
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 van Bergen, CJA;   2 Baur, OL;   3 Murawski, CD;
4 Spennacchio, P;   5 Carreira, DS;   6 Kearns, SR;
7 Mitchell, AW;   8 Pereira, H;   9 Pearce, CJ;
10 Calder, JDF;   11 Ackermann, J;   12 Adams, SB;
13 Andrews, CL;   14 Angthong, C;   15 Batista, JP;
16 Bayer, S;   17 Becher, C;   18 Berlet, GC;
19 Boakye, LAT;   20 Brown, AJ;   21 Buda, R;
22 Canata, GL;   23 Clanton, TO;   24 Dahmen, J;
25 D’Hooghe, P;   26 DiGiovanni, CW;   27 Dombrowski, ME;
28 Drakos, MC;   29 Ferkel, RD;   30 Ferrao, PNF;
31 Fortier, LA;   32 Glazebrook, M;   33 Giza, E;
34 Gomaa, M;   35 Görtz, S;   36 Haleem, AM;
37 Hamid, K;   38 Hangody, L;   39 Hannon, CP;
40 Haverkamp, D;   41 Hertel, J;   42 Hintermann, B;
43 Hogan, MV;   44 Hunt, KJ;   45 Hurley, ET;
46 Karlsson, J;   47 Kennedy, JG;   48 Kerkhoffs, GMMJ;
49 Kim, HJ;   50 Kong, SW;   51 Labib, SA;
52 Lambers, KTA;   53 Lee, JW;   54 Lee, KB;
55 Ling, JS;   56 Longo, UG;   57 Marangon, A;
58 McCollum, G;   59 Mittwede, PN;   60 Nehrer, S;
61 Niemeyer, P;   62 Nunley, JA;   63 O’Malley, MJ;
64 Osei Hwedieh, DO;   65 Paul, J;   66 Popchak, A;
67 Prado, MP;   68 Raikin, SM;   69 Reilingh, ML;
70 Rothrauff, BB;   71 Schon, LC;   72 Shimozono, Y;
73 Simpson, H;   74 Smyth, NA;   75 Sofka, CM;
76 Stone, JW;   77 Sullivan, M;   78 Takao, M;
79 Tanaka, Y;   80 Thordarson, DB;   81 Tuan, R;
82 Valderrabano, V;   83 van Dijk, CN;   84 van Dijk, PAD;
85 Vannini, F;   86 Vaseenon, T;   87 Walther, M;
88 Wiewiorski, M;   89 Xu, X;   90 Yasui, Y;
91 Yinghui, H;   92 Yoshimura, I;   93 Younger, ASE;
94 Zhang, Z;