The My Active and Healthy Aging (My-Aha) Ict Platform to Detect and Prevent Frailty in Older Adults: Randomized Control Trial Design and Protocol

Summers, MJ
Rainero, I
Vercelli, AE
Aumayr, G
de Rosario, H
Mönter, M
Kawashima, R
Vercelli, AE
Rainero, I
Shirahama, K
Wulf, V
Cho, Y
Kawashima, R
Burin, D
Nouchi, R
Summers, MJ
Ciferri, L
Document Type
Year published
in Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions, ISSN: 2352-8737
Volume: 4, Issue: 1, Pages: 252-262
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85050107386
Unpaywall: 10.1016/j.trci.2018.06.004
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2352-8737
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Summers, MJ;   2 Rainero, I;   3 Vercelli, AE;
4 Aumayr, G;   5 de Rosario, H;   6 Mönter, M;
7 Kawashima, R;   8 Vercelli, AE;   9 Rainero, I;
10 Caglio, M;   11 Carbone, C;   12 Rubino, E;
13 Sousa, I;   14 Vasconcelos, MJM;   15 Madureira, P;
16 Ribeiro, J;   17 Cardoso, N;   18 Giannouli, E;
19 Zijlstra, W;   20 Alonso, S;   21 Mönter, M;
22 Schnieder, S;   23 Roelen, SD;   24 Kächele, L;
25 Krajewski, J;   26 de Rosario, H;   27 Laparra, J;
28 Serrano, JF;   29 Medina, E;   30 López, A;
31 Pedrero, JF;   32 Martínez, Ú;   33 Bazzani, M;
34 Cogerino, C;   35 Toso, GM;   36 Tommasone, G;
37 Frisello, A;   38 Aumayr, G;   39 Haider, G;
40 Bleier, D;   41 Sturm, N;   42 Kaartinen, N;
43 Kern, A;   44 Bandelow, S;   45 Niederstrasser, NG;
46 Vaziri, D;   47 Tabatabaei, A;   48 Gouverneur, P;
49 Lagodzinski, P;   50 Wieching, R;   51 Grzegorek, M;
52 Shariat Yazdi, H;   53 Shirahama, K;   54 Wulf, V;
55 Cho, Y;   56 Kawashima, R;   57 Burin, D;
58 Nouchi, R;   59 Summers, MJ;   60 Ciferri, L;