Three-Phase Nine Switch Inverter for a Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System

Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in 2013 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RENEWABLE ENERGY RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS (ICRERA) in International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ISSN: 2377-6897
Pages: 1078-1083 (6)
International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (Icrera), Date: OCT 20-23, 2013, Location: Madrid, SPAIN, Sponsors: Int Journal Renewable Energy Res, Comillas Pontif Univ, IEEE, IEEE Power Elect Soc, IEEE Ind Applicat Soc, IBERDROLA, KBSoftware, Asociac Ingenieros ICAI, IEEE Secc Espana, IEEE Spanish Power Elect Ind Elect Joint Chapter, Univ Deusto, iMS, bime, Fraunhofer, INESCTEC, Aalborg Univ, CARTIF, EiC, European Commiss & Inst Elect Informat & Commun Engineers Japan, Natl Assoc Spanish ICAI Engineers
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000353637100191
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2377-6897
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