Correction To: Standardisation of Synovial Biopsy Analyses in Rheumatic Diseases: A Consensus of the Eular Synovitis and Omeract Synovial Tissue Biopsy Groups (Arthritis Research and Therapy (2018) 20 (265) Doi: 10.1186/S13075-018-1762-1)

Najm, A
Le Goff, B
Orr, C
Thurlings, R
Cañete, JD
Humby, F
Alivernini, S
Manzo, A
Just, SA
Romão, VC
Tas, SW
Stoenoiu, M
De Bellefon, LM
Durez, P
Strand, V
Wechalekar, MD
Lauwerys, B
Fearon, U
Veale, DJ
Document Type
Year published
in Arthritis Research and Therapy, ISSN: 1478-6354
Volume: 20, Issue: 1
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 30567571
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85058892189
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1478-6354
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Najm, A;   2 Le Goff, B;   3 Orr, C;
4 Thurlings, R;   5 Cañete, JD;   6 Humby, F;
7 Alivernini, S;   8 Manzo, A;   9 Just, SA;
10 Romão, VC;   11 Krenn, V;   12 Müller Ladner, U;
13 Addimanda, O;   14 Tas, SW;   15 Stoenoiu, M;
16 De Bellefon, LM;   17 Durez, P;   18 Strand, V;
19 Wechalekar, MD;   20 Fonseca, JE;   21 Lauwerys, B;
22 Fearon, U;   23 Veale, DJ;