Searching for Explanations for Cryptogenic Stroke in the Young: Revealing the Triggers, Causes, and Outcome (Secreto): Rationale and Design

Putaala, J
Martinez Majander, N
Saeed, S
Yesilot, N
Nerg, O
Tsivgoulis, G
Numminen, H
Gordin, D
Paju, S
Sinisalo, J
Lehto, M
Lindgren, A
Ferro, J
Kittner, S
Fazekas, F
Gerdts, E
Tatlisumak, T
Document Type
Year published
in European Stroke Journal, ISSN: 2396-9873
Volume: 2, Issue: 2, Pages: 116-125
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85060508142
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2396-9873
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Putaala, J;   2 Martinez Majander, N;   3 Saeed, S;
4 Yesilot, N;   5 Jäkälä, P;   6 Nerg, O;
7 Tsivgoulis, G;   8 Numminen, H;   9 Gordin, D;
10 von Sarnowski, B;   11 Waje Andreassen, U;   12 Ylikotila, P;
13 Roine, RO;   14 Zedde, M;   15 Huhtakangas, J;
16 Fonseca, C;   17 Redfors, P;   18 de Leeuw, FE;
19 Pezzini, A;   20 Kõrv, J;   21 Schneider, S;
22 Tanislav, C;   23 Enzinger, C;   24 Jatuzis, D;
25 Siegerink, B;   26 Martínez Sánchez, P;   27 Grau, AJ;
28 Palm, F;   29 Groop, PH;   30 Lanthier, S;
31 Ten Cate, H;   32 Pussinen, P;   33 Paju, S;
34 Sinisalo, J;   35 Lehto, M;   36 Lindgren, A;
37 Ferro, J;   38 Kittner, S;   39 Fazekas, F;
40 Gerdts, E;   41 Tatlisumak, T;