Impacts of a Changing Earth on Microbial Dynamics and Human Health Risks in the Continuum Between Beach Water and Sand

Weiskerger, CJ
Aslan, A
Avolio, L
Badgley, BD
Boehm, AB
Fleisher, JM
Sadowsky, MJ
Staley, C
Symonds, EM
Vogel, LJ
Yamahara, KM
Harwood, VJ
Document Type
Year published
in WATER RESEARCH, ISSN: 0043-1354
Volume: 162, Pages: 456-470 (15)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 31301475
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85068544421
Wos: WOS:000479023000044
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0043-1354
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Weiskerger, CJ;   2 Brandao, J;   3 Ahmed, W;
4 Aslan, A;   5 Avolio, L;   6 Badgley, BD;
7 Boehm, AB;   8 Edge, TA;   9 Fleisher, JM;
10 Heaney, CD;   11 Jordao, L;   12 Kinzelman, JL;
13 Klaus, JS;   14 Kleinheinz, GT;   15 Merilainen, P;
16 Nshimyimana, JP;   17 Phanikumar, MS;   18 Piggot, AM;
19 Pitkanen, T;   20 Robinson, C;   21 Sadowsky, MJ;
22 Staley, C;   23 Staley, ZR;   24 Symonds, EM;
25 Vogel, LJ;   26 Yamahara, KM;   27 Whitman, RL;
28 Solo Gabriele, HM;   29 Harwood, VJ;