Early Detection, Diagnosis and Intervention Services for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the European Union (Asdeu): Family and Professional Perspectives

Canal Bedia, R
Magán Maganto, M
Cilleros Martín, MV
Sánchez Gómez, MC
García Primo, P
Kafka, JX
Poustka, L
Kawa, R
Sellers, T
Posada de la Paz, M
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, ISSN: 0162-3257
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 31606886
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85074560450
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0162-3257
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Bejarano Martín, Á;   2 Canal Bedia, R;   3 Magán Maganto, M;
4 Fernández Álvarez, C;   5 Cilleros Martín, MV;   6 Sánchez Gómez, MC;
7 García Primo, P;   8 Rose Sweeney, M;   9 Boilson, A;
10 Linertová, R;   11 Roeyers, H;   12 Van der Paelt, S;
13 Schendel, D;   14 Warberg, C;   15 Cramer, S;
16 Narzisi, A;   17 Muratori, F;   18 Scattoni, ML;
19 Moilanen, I;   20 Yliherva, A;   21 Saemundsen, E;
22 Loa Jónsdóttir, S;   23 Efrim Budisteanu, M;   24 Arghir, A;
25 Papuc, SM;   26 Vicente, A;   27 Rasga, C;
28 Rogé, B;   29 Guillon, Q;   30 Baduel, S;
31 Kafka, JX;   32 Poustka, L;   33 Kothgassner, OD;
34 Kawa, R;   35 Pisula, E;   36 Sellers, T;
37 Posada de la Paz, M;