Resisting and Tolerating P-Falciparum in Pregnancy Under Different Malaria Transmission Intensities

Ndam, NT
Gonzalez, R
Cistero, P
Kariuki, S
Sevene, E
Ruperez, M
Maria Fonseca, AM
Vala, A
Maculuve, S
Nhacolo, A
Massougbodji, A
Briand, V
Kremsner, PG
Mombo Ngoma, G
Desai, M
Macete, E
Cot, M
Menendez, C
Mayor, A
Document Type
Year published
in BMC MEDICINE, ISSN: 1741-7015
Volume: 15
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000405494500001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1741-7015
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Ndam, NT;   2 Mbuba, E;   3 Gonzalez, R;
4 Cistero, P;   5 Kariuki, S;   6 Sevene, E;
7 Ruperez, M;   8 Maria Fonseca, AM;   9 Vala, A;
10 Maculuve, S;   11 Jimenez, A;   12 Quinto, L;
13 Ouma, P;   14 Ramharter, M;   15 Aponte, JJ;
16 Nhacolo, A;   17 Massougbodji, A;   18 Briand, V;
19 Kremsner, PG;   20 Mombo Ngoma, G;   21 Desai, M;
22 Macete, E;   23 Cot, M;   24 Menendez, C;
25 Mayor, A;