Palaeoenvironmental and Chronological Context of Human Occupations at El Cierro Cave (Northern Spain) During the Transition from the Late Upper Pleistocene to the Early Holocene

Álvarez Fernández, E
Bécares, J
Jordá Pardo, JF
Agirre Uribesalgo, A
Álvarez Alonso, D
Aparicio, MT
Barrera Mellado, I
Carral, P
Carriol, RP
Cubas, M
Iriarte Chiapusso, MJ
Llave, C
Maestro, A
Portero, R
Suárez Bilbao, A
Tarriño, A
Teira, LC
Uzquiano, P
Arias, P
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, ISSN: 2352-409X
Volume: 29, Pages: 102138
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85078005835
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2352-409X
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Álvarez Fernández, E;   2 Bécares, J;   3 Jordá Pardo, JF;
4 Agirre Uribesalgo, A;   5 Álvarez Alonso, D;   6 Aparicio, MT;
7 Barrera Mellado, I;   8 Carral, P;   9 Carriol, RP;
10 Cubas, M;   11 Cueto, M;   12 Douka, K;
13 Elorza, M;   14 Fernández Gómez, MJ;   15 Gabriel, S;
16 García Ibaibarriaga, N;   17 Iriarte Chiapusso, MJ;   18 Llave, C;
19 Maestro, A;   20 Martín Jarque, S;   21 Portero, R;
22 Suárez Bilbao, A;   23 Tarriño, A;   24 Teira, LC;
25 Uzquiano, P;   26 Arias, P;