Panchromatic Properties of 99 000 Galaxies Detected by Sdss, and (Some By) Rosat, Galex, 2Mass, Iras, Gb6, First, Nvss and Wenss Surveys

Obrić, M
Ivezić, Ž
Best, PN
Lupton, RH
Tremonti, C
Agüeros, MA
Knapp, GR
Gunn, JE
Rockosi, CM
Gaćeša, M
Smolčić, V
Anderson, SF
Voges, W
Jurić, M
Siverd, RJ
Steinhardt, W
Jagoda, AS
Blanton, MR
Schneider, DP
Document Type
Year published
in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, ISSN: 0035-8711
Volume: 370, Issue: 4, Pages: 1677-1698
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 0035-8711
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Obrić, M;   2 Ivezić, Ž;   3 Best, PN;
4 Lupton, RH;   5 Tremonti, C;   6 Brinchmann, J ;
7 Agüeros, MA;   8 Knapp, GR;   9 Gunn, JE;
10 Rockosi, CM;   11 Schlegel, D;   12 Finkbeiner, D;
13 Gaćeša, M;   14 Smolčić, V;   15 Anderson, SF;
16 Voges, W;   17 Jurić, M;   18 Siverd, RJ;
19 Steinhardt, W;   20 Jagoda, AS;   21 Blanton, MR;
22 Schneider, DP;