Impact of Neonatal Screening and Surveillance for the Tp53 R337H Mutation on Early Detection of Childhood Adrenocortical Tumors

Custódio, G
Parise, GA
Filho, NK
Komechen, H
Sabbaga, CC
Rosati, R
Grisa, L
Parise, IZS
Poncio, LC
Lima, GFR
Lalli, E
Zhou, Y
Zambetti, GP
Ribeiro, RC
Figueiredo, BC
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of Clinical Oncology, ISSN: 0732-183X
Volume: 31, Issue: 20, Pages: 2619-2626
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 23733769
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84883867131
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0732-183X
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Custódio, G;   2 Parise, GA;   3 Filho, NK;
4 Komechen, H;   5 Sabbaga, CC;   6 Rosati, R;
7 Grisa, L;   8 Parise, IZS;   9 Pianovski, MAD;
10 Fiori, CMCM;   11 Ledesma, JA;   12 Barbosa, JRS;
13 Figueiredo, FRO;   14 Sade, ER;   15 Ibañez, H;
16 Arram, SBI;   17 Stinghen, ST;   18 Mengarelli, LR;
19 Figueiredo, MMO;   20 Carvalho, DC;   21 Avilla, SGA;
22 Woiski, TD;   23 Poncio, LC;   24 Lima, GFR;
25 Pontarolo, R ;   26 Lalli, E;   27 Zhou, Y;
28 Zambetti, GP;   29 Ribeiro, RC;   30 Figueiredo, BC;