Diagnosis and Locoregional Treatment of Patients with Breast Cancer During the Covid-19 Pandemic [Diagnóstico Y Tratamiento Locorregional de Las Pacientes Con Cáncer de Mama Durante la Pandemia de la Covid-19]

Pardo, R
Algara, M
Montero Fernández, MA
Sanz, X
Vernet, M
Rodríguez, N
Andrés Luna, R
Piñero, A
Córdoba, R
Osorio, I
Argudo, N
Salido, S
Bernar, J
Pritchard, S
Alves, NF
Nicolau, P
Jiménez, M
Document Type
Year published
in Revista de Senologia y Patologia Mamaria, ISSN: 0214-1582
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85085557731
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0214-1582
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Pardo, R;   2 Algara, M;   3 Montero Fernández, MA;
4 Sanz, X;   5 Vernet, M;   6 Rodríguez, N;
7 Andrés Luna, R;   8 Piñero, A;   9 Ciérvide, R;
10 Córdoba, R;   11 Dave, RV;   12 Montero, Á;
13 Osorio, I;   14 Argudo, N;   15 Salido, S;
16 Bernar, J;   17 Pritchard, S;   18 Alves, NF;
19 Nicolau, P;   20 Orihuela, P;   21 Jiménez, M;