Esc Guidelines for the Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes in Patients Presenting Without Persistent St-Segment Elevation: The Task Force for the Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes (Acs) in Patients Presenting Without Persistent St-Segment Elevation of the European Society of Cardiology (Esc)

Authors/Task Force Members,
Hamm, CW
Bassand, J
Agewall, S
Bax, J
Boersma, E
Bueno, H
Caso, P
Dudek, D
Gielen, S
Roffi, M
Romeo, F
Ruda, M
Swahn, E
Valgimigli, M
Vrints, CJ
Widimsky, P
ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines,
Document Reviewers,
Document Type
Year published
in European Heart Journal, ISSN: 0195-668X
Volume: 32, Issue: 23, Pages: 2999-3054
Publication Identifiers
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0195-668X
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Authors/Task Force Members, ;   2 Hamm, CW;   3 Bassand, J;
4 Agewall, S;   5 Bax, J;   6 Boersma, E;
7 Bueno, H;   8 Caso, P;   9 Dudek, D;
10 Gielen, S;   11 Huber, K;   12 Ohman, M;
13 Petrie, MC;   14 Sonntag, F;   15 Uva, MS ;
16 Storey, RF;   17 Wijns, W;   18 Zahger, D;
19 Bax, JJ;   20 Auricchio, A;   21 Baumgartner, H;
22 Ceconi, C;   23 Dean, V;   24 Deaton, C;
25 Fagard, R;   26 Funck-Brentano, C;   27 Hasdai, D;
28 Hoes, A;   29 Knuuti, J;   30 Kolh, P;
31 McDonagh, T;   32 Moulin, C;   33 Poldermans, D;
34 Popescu, BA;   35 Reiner, Z;   36 Sechtem, U;
37 Sirnes, PA;   38 Torbicki, A;   39 Vahanian, A;
40 Windecker, S;   41 Windecker, S;   42 Achenbach, S;
43 Badimon, L;   44 Bertrand, M;   45 Botker, HE;
46 Collet, J;   47 Crea, F;   48 Danchin, N;
49 Falk, E;   50 Goudevenos, J;   51 Gulba, D;
52 Hambrecht, R;   53 Herrmann, J;   54 Kastrati, A;
55 Kjeldsen, K;   56 Kristensen, SD;   57 Lancellotti, P;
58 Mehilli, J;   59 Merkely, B;   60 Montalescot, G;
61 Neumann, F;   62 Neyses, L;   63 Perk, J;
64 Roffi, M;   65 Romeo, F;   66 Ruda, M;
67 Swahn, E;   68 Valgimigli, M;   69 Vrints, CJ;
70 Widimsky, P;   71 ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines, ;   72 Document Reviewers, ;