Genetic Copy Number Variants, Cognition and Psychosis: a Meta-Analysis and a Family Study

Thygesen, JH
Presman, A
Harju Seppanen, J
Murray, RM
Bramon, E
Document Type
Article in Press
Year published
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85088661130
Wos: WOS:000552931600001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1359-4184
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Thygesen, JH;   2 Presman, A;   3 Harju Seppanen, J;
4 Irizar, H;   5 Jones, R;   6 Kuchenbaecker, K;
7 Lin, K;   8 Alizadeh, BZ;   9 Austin Zimmerman, I;
10 Bartels Velthuis, A;   11 Bhat, A;   12 Bruggeman, R;
13 Cahn, W;   14 Calafato, S;   15 Crespo Facorro, B;
16 de Haan, L;   17 de Zwarte, SMC;   18 Di Forti, M;
19 Diez Revuelta, A;   20 Hall, J;   21 Hall, MH;
22 Iyegbe, C;   23 Jablensky, A;   24 Kahn, R;
25 Kalaydjieva, L;   26 Kravariti, E;   27 Lawrie, S;
28 Luykx, JJ;   29 Mata, I;   30 McDonald, C;
31 McIntosh, AM;   32 McQuillin, A;   33 Muir, R;
34 Ophoff, R;   35 Picchioni, M;   36 Prata, DP;
37 Ranlund, S;   38 Rujescu, D;   39 Rutten, BPF;
40 Schulze, K;   41 Shaikh, M;   42 Schirmbeck, F;
43 Simons, CJP;   44 Toulopoulou, T;   45 van Amelsvoort, T;
46 van Haren, N;   47 van Os, J;   48 van Winkel, R;
49 Vassos, E;   50 Walshe, M;   51 Weisbrod, M;
52 Zartaloudi, E;   53 Bell, V;   54 Powell, J;
55 Lewis, CM;   56 Murray, RM;   57 Bramon, E;