Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of Oral Venglustat in the Japanese and the Rest of the World Parkinson's Disease Population With a Gba Mutation: Results from Part 1 of the Moves-Pd Study

Saiki, H
Gasser, T
Isaacson, S
Kulisevsky, J
Simuni, T
Takahashi, Y
Wills, AM
Waters, C
Katsuno, M
Ji, AJ
Gaemers, SJM
Minini, P
Nembo, B
Sardi, P
Saubadu, S
Sharma, J
Fischer, T
Document Type
Year published
in NEUROLOGY, ISSN: 0028-3878
Volume: 94, Issue: 15
Annual Meeting of the American-Academy-Of-Neurology, Date: APR 25-MAY 01, 2020, Location: Toronto, CANADA, Sponsors: Amer Acad Neurol
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000536058001131
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0028-3878
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Peterschmitt, MJ;   2 Saiki, H;   3 Hatano, T;
4 Gasser, T;   5 Isaacson, S;   6 Kulisevsky, J;
7 Simuni, T;   8 Takahashi, Y;   9 Wills, AM;
10 Guedes, LC;   11 Svenningsson, P;   12 Takahashi, R;
13 Waters, C;   14 Katsuno, M;   15 Ji, AJ;
16 Gaemers, SJM;   17 Minini, P;   18 Nembo, B;
19 Sardi, P;   20 Saubadu, S;   21 Sharma, J;
22 Fischer, T;