The Conservation Status of the World’s Freshwater Molluscs

Böhm, M
Seddon, M
Ledger, SEH
Albrecht, C
Allen, D
Bogan, AE
Cordeiro, J
Cummings, KS
Cuttelod, A
Pollock, CM
Prié, V
Radea, C
Ramirez, R
Ramos, MA
Santos, SB
Slapnik, R
Son, MO
Stensgaard, AS
Collen, B
Document Type
Year published
in Hydrobiologia, ISSN: 0018-8158
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85090855299
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0018-8158
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Böhm, M;   2 Dewhurst Richman, NI;   3 Seddon, M;
4 Ledger, SEH;   5 Albrecht, C;   6 Allen, D;
7 Bogan, AE;   8 Cordeiro, J;   9 Cummings, KS;
10 Cuttelod, A;   11 Darrigran, G;   12 Darwall, W;
13 Fehér, Z;   14 Gibson, C;   15 Graf, DL;
16 Köhler, F;   17 Lopes Lima, M;   18 Pastorino, G;
19 Perez, KE;   20 Smith, K;   21 van Damme, D;
22 Vinarski, MV;   23 von Proschwitz, T;   24 von Rintelen, T;
25 Aldridge, DC;   26 Aravind, NA;   27 Budha, PB;
28 Clavijo, C;   29 Van Tu, D;   30 Gargominy, O;
31 Ghamizi, M;   32 Haase, M;   33 Hilton Taylor, C;
34 Johnson, PD;   35 Kebapçı, Ü;   36 Lajtner, J;
37 Lange, CN;   38 Lepitzki, DAW;   39 Martínez Ortí, A;
40 Moorkens, EA;   41 Neubert, E;   42 Pollock, CM;
43 Prié, V;   44 Radea, C;   45 Ramirez, R;
46 Ramos, MA;   47 Santos, SB;   48 Slapnik, R;
49 Son, MO;   50 Stensgaard, AS;   51 Collen, B;