Development of Best Practice Recommendations to Enhance Access to and Use of Formal Community Care Services for People with Dementia in Europe: a Delphi Process Conducted by the Actifcare Project

Røsvik, J
Michelet, M
Engedal, K
Bergh, S
Bieber, A
Portolani, DM
Hopper, L
Irving, K
Jelley, H
Marques, MJ
Sjølund, BM
Sköldunger, A
Stephan, A
Verhey, F
de Vugt, M
Woods, B
Wolfs, C
Zanetti, O
Selbaek, G
Document Type
Year published
in Aging and Mental Health, ISSN: 1360-7863
Volume: 25, Issue: 12, Pages: 2298-2309
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85092422426
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1360-7863
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Røsvik, J;   2 Michelet, M;   3 Engedal, K;
4 Bergh, S;   5 Bieber, A;   6 Gonçalves Pereira, M;
7 Portolani, DM;   8 Hopper, L;   9 Irving, K;
10 Jelley, H;   11 Kerpershoek, L;   12 Meyer, G;
13 Marques, MJ;   14 Sjølund, BM;   15 Sköldunger, A;
16 Stephan, A;   17 Verhey, F;   18 de Vugt, M;
19 Woods, B;   20 Wolfs, C;   21 Zanetti, O;
22 Selbaek, G;