2019 Esc Guidelines on Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Diseases Developed in Collaboration with the Easd [Guía Esc 2019 Sobre Diabetes, Prediabetes Y Enfermedades Cardiovasculares, En Colaboración Con la European Association for the Study of Diabetes (Easd)]

Cosentino, F
Grant, PJ
Aboyans, V
Bailey, CJ
Ceriello, A
Delgado, V
Federici, M
Filippatos, G
Rossing, P
Shlyakhto, E
Simpson, IA
Touyz, RM
Wijns, W
Wilhelm, M
Williams, B
Document Type
Year published
in Revista Espanola de Cardiologia, ISSN: 0300-8932
Volume: 73, Issue: 5, Pages: 404.e1-404.e59
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85084120015
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0300-8932
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Cosentino, F;   2 Grant, PJ;   3 Aboyans, V;
4 Bailey, CJ;   5 Ceriello, A;   6 Delgado, V;
7 Federici, M;   8 Filippatos, G;   9 Grobbee, DE;
10 Hansen, TB;   11 Huikuri, HV;   12 Johansson, I;
13 Jüni, P;   14 Lettino, M;   15 Marx, N;
16 Mellbin, LG;   17 Östgren, CJ;   18 Rocca, B;
19 Roffi, M;   20 Sattar, N;   21 Seferović, PM;
22 Sousa Uva, M ;   23 Valensi, P;   24 Wheeler, DC;
25 Piepoli, MF;   26 Birkeland, KI;   27 Adamopoulos, S;
28 Ajjan, R;   29 Avogaro, A;   30 Baigent, C;
31 Brodmann, M;   32 Bueno, H;   33 Ceconi, C;
34 Chioncel, O;   35 Coats, A;   36 Collet, JP;
37 Collins, P;   38 Cosyns, B;   39 Di Mario, C;
40 Fisher, M;   41 Fitzsimons, D;   42 Halvorsen, S;
43 Hansen, D;   44 Hoes, A;   45 Holt, RIG;
46 Home, P;   47 Katus, HA;   48 Khunti, K;
49 Komajda, M;   50 Lambrinou, E;   51 Landmesser, U;
52 Lewis, BS;   53 Linde, C;   54 Lorusso, R;
55 Mach, F;   56 Mueller, C;   57 Neumann, FJ;
58 Persson, F;   59 Petersen, SE;   60 Petronio, AS;
61 Richter, DJ;   62 Rosano, GMC;   63 Rossing, P;
64 Rydén, L;   65 Shlyakhto, E;   66 Simpson, IA;
67 Touyz, RM;   68 Wijns, W;   69 Wilhelm, M;
70 Williams, B;