Influence of Maternal Obesity on the Association Between Common Pregnancy Complications and Risk of Childhood Obesity: an Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis

Document Type
Year published
in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, ISSN: 2352-4642
Volume: 2, Issue: 11, Pages: 812-821 (9)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 30201470
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85055054360
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2352-4642
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Patro Golab, B;   2 Santos, S ;   3 Voerman, E;
4 Lawlor, DA;   5 Jaddoe, VWV;   6 Gaillard, R;
7 Patro Golab, B;   8 Santos, S;   9 Voerman, E;
10 Barros, H;   11 Bergström, A;   12 Charles, M;
13 Chatzi, L;   14 Chevrier, C;   15 Chrousos, GP;
16 Corpeleijn, E;   17 Costet, N;   18 Crozier, S;
19 Devereux, G;   20 Eggesbø, M;   21 Ekström, S;
22 Fantini, MP;   23 Farchi, S;   24 Forastiere, F;
25 Georgiu, V;   26 Godfrey, KM;   27 Gori, D;
28 Hanke, W;   29 Hertz-Picciotto, I;   30 Heude, B;
31 Hryhorczuk, D;   32 Inskip, H;   33 Ibarluzea, J;
34 Kenny, LC;   35 Küpers, LK;   36 Lagström, H;
37 Lehmann, I;   38 Lenters, V;   39 Llop, SL;
40 Magnus, P;   41 Majewska, R;   42 Mäkelä, J;
43 Manios, Y;   44 McAuliffe, FM;   45 McDonald, SW;
46 Mehegan, J;   47 Mommers, M;   48 Morgen, CS;
49 Moschonis, G;   50 Murray, D;   51 Ní Chaoimh, C;
52 Nøhr, EA;   53 Nybo Andersen, A;   54 Oken, E;
55 Oostvogels, AJ;   56 Pac, A;   57 Papadopoulou, E;
58 Pizzi, C;   59 Polanska, K;   60 Porta, D;
61 Richiardi, L;   62 Rifas-Shiman, SL;   63 Rusconi, F;
64 Santos, AC ;   65 Smit, HA;   66 Sørensen, TI;
67 Standl, M;   68 Stoltenberg, C;   69 Sunyer, J;
70 Taylor, M;   71 Thiering, E;   72 Thijs, C;
73 Torrent, M;   74 Tough, SC;   75 Trnovec, T;
76 Turner, S;   77 van Rossem, L;   78 von Berg, A;
79 Vrijheid, M;   80 Vrijkotte, T;   81 West, J;
82 Wright, J;   83 Zvinchuk, O;   84 Lawlor, DA;
85 Jaddoe, VW;   86 Gaillard, R;