The Predict Study Uncovers Three Clinical Courses of Acutely Decompensated Cirrhosis That Have Distinct Pathophysiology

Fernandez, J
Papp, M
Caraceni, P
Laleman, W
Gambino, C
Giovo, I
Uschner, FE
Jimenez, C
Mookerjee, R
Balogh, B
Vargas, V
Montagnese, S
Alessandria, C
Bernardi, M
Gines, P
Jalan, R
Moreau, R
Angeli, P
Arroyo, V
Group Author(s)
EASL-CLIF Consortium
Document Type
Year published
Volume: 73, Issue: 4, Pages: 842-854 (13)
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000593065200012
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0168-8278
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Trebicka, J;   2 Fernandez, J;   3 Papp, M;
4 Caraceni, P;   5 Laleman, W;   6 Gambino, C;
7 Giovo, I;   8 Uschner, FE;   9 Jimenez, C;
10 Mookerjee, R;   11 Gustot, T;   12 Albillos, A;
13 Banares, R;   14 Janicko, M;   15 Steib, C;
16 Reiberger, T;   17 Acevedo, J;   18 Gatti, P;
19 Bernal, W;   20 Zeuzem, S;   21 Zipprich, A;
22 Piano, S;   23 Berg, T;   24 Bruns, T;
25 Bendtsen, F;   26 Coenraad, M;   27 Merli, M;
28 Stauber, R;   29 Zoller, H;   30 Ramos, JP;
31 Sole, C;   32 Soriano, G;   33 de Gottardi, A;
34 Gronbaek, H;   35 Saliba, F;   36 Trautwein, C;
37 Ozdogan, OC;   38 Francque, S;   39 Ryder, S;
40 Nahon, P;   41 Romero Gomez, M;   42 Van Vlierberghe, H;
43 Francoz, C;   44 Manns, M;   45 Garcia, E;
46 Tufoni, M;   47 Amoros, A;   48 Pavesi, M;
49 Sanchez, C;   50 Curto, A;   51 Pitarch, C;
52 Putignano, A;   53 Moreno, E;   54 Shawcross, D;
55 Aguilar, F;   56 Claria, J;   57 Ponzo, P;
58 Jansen, C;   59 Vitalis, Z;   60 Zaccherini, G;
61 Balogh, B;   62 Vargas, V;   63 Montagnese, S;
64 Alessandria, C;   65 Bernardi, M;   66 Gines, P;
67 Jalan, R;   68 Moreau, R;   69 Angeli, P;
70 Arroyo, V;