Correction To: Prediction of Unfavorable Outcomes in Cryptococcal Meningitis: Results of the Multicenter Infectious Diseases International Research Initiative (Id-Iri) Cryptococcal Meningitis Study (European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, (2018), 37, 7, (1231-1240), 10.1007/S10096-017-3142-1)

Hakyemez, IN
Erdem, H
Beraud, G
Lurdes, M
Alexandru, C
Bishop, B
Mangani, F
Argemi, X
Poinot, M
Ozturk Engin, D
Ozgunes, N
Larsen, L
Zimmerli, S
Sipahi, OR
Tukenmez Tigen, E
Celebi, G
Oztoprak, N
Yardimci, AC
Cag, Y
Document Type
Year published
in European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, ISSN: 0934-9723
Volume: 37, Issue: 7, Pages: 1241-1242
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 29855841
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85047915194
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0934-9723
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Hakyemez, IN;   2 Erdem, H;   3 Beraud, G;
4 Lurdes, M;   5 Silva Pinto, A ;   6 Alexandru, C;
7 Bishop, B;   8 Mangani, F;   9 Argemi, X;
10 Poinot, M;   11 Hasbun, R;   12 Sunbul, M;
13 Akcaer, M;   14 Alp, S;   15 Demirdal, T;
16 Angamuthu, K;   17 Amer, F;   18 Ragab, E;
19 Shehata, GA;   20 Ozturk Engin, D;   21 Ozgunes, N;
22 Larsen, L;   23 Zimmerli, S;   24 Sipahi, OR;
25 Tukenmez Tigen, E;   26 Celebi, G;   27 Oztoprak, N;
28 Yardimci, AC;   29 Cag, Y;