Prevalence and Distribution of Peripheral Musculoskeletal Manifestations in Spondyloarthritis Including Psoriatic Arthritis: Results of the Worldwide, Cross-Sectional Asas-Perspa Study

Lopez Medina, C
Molto, A
Sieper, J
Duruoz, T
Kiltz, U
Elzorkany, B
Hajjaj Hassouni, N
Burgos Vargas, R
Maldonado Cocco, J
Ziade, N
van Gaalen, FA
Geher, P
Magrey, M
Bautista Molano, W
Maksymowych, W
Machado, PM
Landew, R
van der Heijde, D
Dougados, M
Document Type
Year published
in RMD OPEN, ISSN: 2056-5933
Volume: 7, Issue: 1
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000617438200002
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2056-5933
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Lopez Medina, C;   2 Molto, A;   3 Sieper, J;
4 Duruoz, T;   5 Kiltz, U;   6 Elzorkany, B;
7 Hajjaj Hassouni, N;   8 Burgos Vargas, R;   9 Maldonado Cocco, J;
10 Ziade, N;   11 Gavali, M;   12 Navarro Compan, V;
13 Luo, SF;   14 Monti, S;   15 Tae Jong, K;
16 Kishimoto, M;   17 Pimentel Santos, FM;   18 Gu, JR;
19 Schiotis, R;   20 van Gaalen, FA;   21 Geher, P;
22 Magrey, M;   23 Vodnizza, SEI;   24 Bautista Molano, W;
25 Maksymowych, W;   26 Machado, PM;   27 Landew, R;
28 van der Heijde, D;   29 Dougados, M;