Genotype-Phenotype Associations Provide A Rational To Identify Potentially Actionable Vus

Pelaez, J
Monteiro, R
Lobo, S
Sousa, L
Pinheiro, H
Castedo, S
Garrido, L
Teixeira, M
Michils, G
Bajalica Lagercrantz, S
Egas, C
Tejada, MI
Dahan, K
Feret, D
Hoogerbrugge, N
Tischkowitz, M
Oliveira, C
Document Type
Year published
in MEDICINE, ISSN: 0025-7974
Volume: 100, Issue: 4
24Th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese-Society-Of-Human-Genetics (Spgh), Date: NOV 20, 2020, Location: ELECTR NETWORK, Sponsors: Portuguese Soc Human Genet
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000612833500140
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0025-7974
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Pelaez, J;   2 Monteiro, R;   3 Lobo, S;
4 Sousa, L;   5 Pinheiro, H;   6 Castedo, S;
7 Garrido, L;   8 Teixeira, M;   9 Michils, G;
10 Bours, V;   11 de Putter, R;   12 Golmard, L;
13 Blanluet, M;   14 Colas, C;   15 Benusiglio, P;
16 Desseignes, C;   17 Florence, C;   18 Aretz, S;
19 Spier, I;   20 Huneburg, R;   21 Gieldon, L;
22 Schrock, E;   23 Holinski Feder, E;   24 Steinke, V;
25 Calistri, D;   26 Tedaldi, G;   27 Ranzani, G;
28 Genuardi, M;   29 Silveira, C;   30 Silva, I;
31 Krajc, M;   32 Blatnik, A;   33 Novacovik, S;
34 Patino Garcia, A;   35 Soto, JL;   36 Lazaro, C;
37 Capella, G;   38 Brunet Vidal, J;   39 Balmana, J;
40 Dominguez Garrido, E;   41 Ligtenberg, M;   42 Fewings, E;
43 Fitzgerald, R;   44 Woodward, E;   45 Evans, G;
46 Hanson, H;   47 Lagerstedt Robinson, K;   48 Bajalica Lagercrantz, S;
49 Egas, C;   50 Tejada, MI;   51 Dahan, K;
52 Feret, D;   53 Hoogerbrugge, N;   54 Tischkowitz, M;
55 Oliveira, C;