The Impact of Seropositivity on the Effectiveness of Biologic Anti-Rheumatic Agents: Results from a Collaboration of 16 Registries

Courvoisier, DS
Chatzidionysiou, K
Mongin, D
Lauper, K
Mariette, X
Morel, J
Gottenberg, JE
Bergstra, SA
Suarez, MP
Codreanu, C
Tanaka, Y
Iannone, F
Choquette, D
Nordström, DC
Rotar, Z
Lukina, G
Gabay, C
Van Vollenhoven, R
Finckh, A
Document Type
Year published
in Rheumatology (Oxford, England), ISSN: 1462-0332
Volume: 60, Issue: 2, Pages: 820-828
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 32810263
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85102212632
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1462-0332
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Courvoisier, DS;   2 Chatzidionysiou, K;   3 Mongin, D;
4 Lauper, K;   5 Mariette, X;   6 Morel, J;
7 Gottenberg, JE;   8 Bergstra, SA;   9 Suarez, MP;
10 Codreanu, C;   11 Kvien, TK;   12 Santos, MJ;
13 Pavelka, K;   14 Hetland, ML;   15 Askling, J;
16 Turesson, C;   17 Kubo, S;   18 Tanaka, Y;
19 Iannone, F;   20 Choquette, D;   21 Nordström, DC;
22 Rotar, Z;   23 Lukina, G;   24 Gabay, C;
25 Van Vollenhoven, R;   26 Finckh, A;