Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (2Nd Edition)

Ksibi, M
Ghorbal, A
Chakraborty, S
Chaminé, HI
Barbieri, M
Guerriero, G
Hentati, O
Negm, A
Lehmann, A
Römbke, J
Ferlisi, S
Tizaoui, C
Kallel, A
Rtimi, S
Panda, S
Michaud, P
Sahu, JN
Seffen, M
Naddeo, V
Document Type
Year published
in Environmental Science and Engineering, ISSN: 1863-5520
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ISSN: 1863-5520
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Ksibi, M;   2 Ghorbal, A;   3 Chakraborty, S;
4 Chaminé, HI;   5 Barbieri, M;   6 Guerriero, G;
7 Hentati, O;   8 Negm, A;   9 Lehmann, A;
10 Römbke, J;   11 Costa Duarte, A;   12 Xoplaki, E;
13 Khélifi, N;   14 Colinet, G;   15 Miguel Dias, J;
16 Gargouri, I;   17 Van Hullebusch, ED;   18 Sánchez Cabrero, B;
19 Ferlisi, S;   20 Tizaoui, C;   21 Kallel, A;
22 Rtimi, S;   23 Panda, S;   24 Michaud, P;
25 Sahu, JN;   26 Seffen, M;   27 Naddeo, V;