Current Ramps in Tokamaks: from Present Experiments to Iter Scenarios

Imbeaux, F
Citrin, J
Hobirk, J
Koechl, F
Leonov, VM
Miyamoto, S
Nakamura, Y
Parail, V
Pereverzev, G
Mikkelsen, D
Peysson, Y
Politzer, P
Schneider, M
Sips, G
Tardini, G
Wolfe, SM
Group Author(s)
ASDEX Upgrade Team; C-Mod Team; DIII-D Team; JET-EFDA Contributors; JT-60U Team; Tore Supra Team; EU-ITM ITER Scenario Modelling Grp; ITPA Integrated Operation Scena; ITPA Transport Confinement Grp
Document Type
Year published
in NUCLEAR FUSION, ISSN: 0029-5515
Volume: 51, Issue: 8, Pages: 083026 (11)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-80051616462
Wos: WOS:000294729400027
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0029-5515
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Imbeaux, F;   2 Citrin, J;   3 Hobirk, J;
4 Hogeweij, GMD;   5 Koechl, F;   6 Leonov, VM;
7 Miyamoto, S;   8 Nakamura, Y;   9 Parail, V;
10 Pereverzev, G;   11 Polevoi, A;   12 Voitsekhovitch, I;
13 Basiuk, V;   14 Budny, R;   15 Casper, T;
16 Fereira, J;   17 Fukuyama, A;   18 Garcia, J;
19 Gribov, YV;   20 Hayashi, N;   21 Honda, M;
22 Hutchinson, IH;   23 Jackson, G;   24 Kavin, AA;
25 Kessel, CE;   26 Khayrutdinov, RR;   27 Labate, C;
28 Litaudon, X;   29 Lomas, PJ;   30 Lonnroth, J;
31 Luce, T;   32 Lukash, VE;   33 Mattei, M;
34 Mikkelsen, D;   35 Nunes, I ;   36 Peysson, Y;
37 Politzer, P;   38 Schneider, M;   39 Sips, G;
40 Tardini, G;   41 Wolfe, SM;   42 Zhogolev, VE;