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Preoperative Nasopharyngeal Swab Testing and Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in Patients Undergoing Elective Surgery During the Sars-Cov-2 Pandemic
Glasbey, JC
·Omar, O
·Nepogodiev, D
·Minaya Bravo, A
·Bankhead Kendall, BK
·Fiore, M
·Futaba, K
·Gabre Kidan, A
·Gujjuri, RR
Barrett, J
·Foley, E
·Schwartz, P
·Zafar, SN
·Hawkins, A
·Maiga, A
·Laufer, J
·Scasso, S
Group Author(s)
COVIDSurg Collaborative; EuroSurg; European Soc Coloproctology ESCP; Global Initiative Childrens Surg; GlobalSurg; GlobalPaedSurg; ItSURG; PTSurg; SpainSurg; Italian Soc Colorectal Surg SICCR; Assoc SurgTraining ASiT; Irish Surg Res Collaborative ISRC; Transatlantic Australasian; Italian Soc Surg Oncology SICO
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ISSN: 0007-1323
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Name Order | Nome | Name Order | Nome | Name Order | Nome | ||
1 | Glasbey, JC; | 2 | Omar, O; | 3 | Nepogodiev, D; | ||
4 | Minaya Bravo, A; | 5 | Bankhead Kendall, BK; | 6 | Fiore, M; | ||
7 | Futaba, K; | 8 | Gabre Kidan, A; | 9 | Gujjuri, RR; | ||
10 | Isik, A; | 11 | Kaafarani, HMA; | 12 | Kamarajah, SK; | ||
13 | Li, E; | 14 | Loffler, MW; | 15 | McLean, KA; | ||
16 | Outani, O; | 17 | Ntirenganya, F; | 18 | Satoi, S; | ||
19 | Shaw, R; | 20 | Simoes, JFF; | 21 | Stewart, GD; | ||
22 | Tabiri, S; | 23 | Trout, IM; | 24 | Bhangu, AA; | ||
25 | Glasbey, JC; | 26 | Omar, O; | 27 | Bhangu, AA; | ||
28 | Siaw Acheampong, K; | 29 | Benson, RA; | 30 | Bywater, E; |