Recognizing Indigenous Peoples' and Local Communities' Rights and Agency in the Post-2020 Biodiversity Agenda

Fernandez Llamazares, A
Aumeeruddy Thomas, Y
Benyei, P
Bussmann, RW
Diamond, SK
Garcia del Amo, D
Guadilla Saez, S
Hanazaki, N
Kosoy, N
Luz, AC
McElwee, P
Meretsky, VJ
Molnar, Z
Ruiz Mallen, I
Zorondo Rodriguez, F
Brondizio, ES
Document Type
Article in Press
Year published
in AMBIO, ISSN: 0044-7447
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000651677700001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0044-7447
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Reyes Garcia, V;   2 Fernandez Llamazares, A;   3 Aumeeruddy Thomas, Y;
4 Benyei, P;   5 Bussmann, RW;   6 Diamond, SK;
7 Garcia del Amo, D;   8 Guadilla Saez, S;   9 Hanazaki, N;
10 Kosoy, N;   11 Lavides, M;   12 Luz, AC;
13 McElwee, P;   14 Meretsky, VJ;   15 Newberry, T;
16 Molnar, Z;   17 Ruiz Mallen, I;   18 Salpeteur, M;
19 Wyndham, FS;   20 Zorondo Rodriguez, F;   21 Brondizio, ES;