Elt-Hires, the High Resolution Spectrograph for the Elt: Phase A Study and Path to Construction

Marconi, A
Adibekyan, V
Aliverti, M
Prieto, CA
Amado, P
Amate, M
Artigau, E
Augusto, S
Udry, S
Valenziano, L
Vanzi, L
Weber, M
Woche, M
Xompero, M
Zackrisson, E
Osorio, MRZ
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, ISSN: 0277-786X
Volume: 11447
Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy Viii 2020, Date: 14 December 2020 through 22 December 2020, Sponsors: The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85107468604
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0277-786X
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Marconi, A;   2 Abreu, M;   3 Adibekyan, V;
4 Aliverti, M;   5 Prieto, CA;   6 Amado, P;
7 Amate, M;   8 Artigau, E;   9 Augusto, S;
10 Barros, S;   11 Becerril, S;   12 Benneke, B;
13 Bergin, E;   14 Berio, P;   15 Bezawada, N;
16 Boisse, I;   17 Bonfils, X;   18 Bouchy, F;
19 Broeg, C;   20 Cabral, A;   21 Calvo Ortega, R;
22 Martins, BLC;   23 Chazelas, B;   24 Chiavassa, A;
25 Christensen, L;   26 Cirami, R;   27 Coretti, I;
28 Covino, S;   29 Cresci, G;   30 Cristiani, S;
31 Parro, VC;   32 Cupani, G;   33 D'Odorico, V;
34 de Castro Leão, I;   35 de Medeiros, JR;   36 de Souza, M;
37 Di Marcantonio, P;   38 Di Varano, I;   39 Doyon, R;
40 Drass, H;   41 Figueira, P;   42 Fragoso, A;
43 Fynbo, J;   44 Gallo, E;   45 Genoni, M;
46 Hernández, JG;   47 Gratton, R;   48 Haehnelt, M;
49 Hansen, C;   50 Hlavacek Larrondo, J;   51 Hughes, I;
52 Huke, P;   53 Humphrey, A;   54 Kjeldsen, H;
55 Korn, A;   56 Kouach, D;   57 Landoni, M;
58 Liske, J;   59 Lovis, C;   60 Lunney, D;
61 Maiolino, R;   62 Malo, L;   63 Marquart, T;
64 Martins, CJAP ;   65 Maslowski, P;   66 Mason, E;
67 Micela, G;   68 Molaro, P;   69 Monnier, J;
70 Monteiro, M;   71 Mordasini, C;   72 Morris, T;
73 Mucciarelli, A;   74 Murray, G;   75 Niedzielski, A;
76 Niemczura, E;   77 Nisini, B;   78 Nunes, N;
79 Oliva, E;   80 Origlia, L;   81 Pallé, E;
82 Pariani, G;   83 Parr Burman, P;   84 Pasquini, L;
85 Peñate, J;   86 Pepe, F;   87 Pietrzynski, G;
88 Pinna, E;   89 Piskunov, N;   90 Pollo, A;
91 Rasilla, J;   92 Rebolo, R;   93 Rees, P;
94 Reiners, A;   95 Riva, M;   96 Romano, D;
97 Rousseau, S;   98 Sanna, N;   99 Santos, N ;
100 Sarajlic, M;   101 Shen, TC;   102 Sortino, F;
103 Sosnowska, D;   104 Sousa, S ;   105 Stempels, E;
106 Strassmeier, K;   107 Tenegi, F;   108 Tozzi, A;
109 Udry, S;   110 Valenziano, L;   111 Vanzi, L;
112 Weber, M;   113 Woche, M;   114 Xompero, M;
115 Zackrisson, E;   116 Osorio, MRZ;