Children Living with Hiv in Europe: do Migrants Have Worse Treatment Outcomes?

Chappell, E
Vasconcelos, MK
Goodall, RL
Galli, L
Goetghebuer, T
Noguera Julian, A
Rodrigues, LC
Smit, C
Bamford, A
Prata, F
Kahlert, C
Marczynska, M
Marques, L
Naver, L
Thorne, C
Giaquinto, C
Judd, A
Collins, IJ
Group Author(s)
European Pregnancy Paediat Infecti
Document Type
Article in Press
Year published
in HIV MEDICINE, ISSN: 1464-2662
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000702313900001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1464-2662
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Chappell, E;   2 Vasconcelos, MK;   3 Goodall, RL;
4 Galli, L;   5 Goetghebuer, T;   6 Noguera Julian, A;
7 Rodrigues, LC;   8 Scherpbier, H;   9 Smit, C;
10 Bamford, A;   11 Crichton, S;   12 Navarro, ML;
13 Ramos, JT;   14 Warszawski, J;   15 Spolou, V;
16 Chiappini, E;   17 Venturini, E;   18 Prata, F;
19 Kahlert, C;   20 Marczynska, M;   21 Marques, L;
22 Naver, L;   23 Thorne, C;   24 Gibb, DM;
25 Giaquinto, C;   26 Judd, A;   27 Collins, IJ;