L-H Transition Threshold Studies in Helium Plasmas at Jet

Solano, ER
Birkenmeier, G
Delabie, E
Hillesheim, JC
Boboc, A
Carvalho, P
Chernyshova, M
Craciunescu, T
Pawelec, E
Rimini, FG
Shaw, A
Siren, P
Szepesi, G
Stancar, Z
Tholerus, E
Vartanian, S
Viola, B
Weisen, H
Group Author(s)
JET Contributors
Document Type
Year published
in NUCLEAR FUSION, ISSN: 0029-5515
Volume: 61, Issue: 12, Pages: 124001 (8)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85118504590
Wos: WOS:000710323400001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0029-5515
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Solano, ER;   2 Birkenmeier, G;   3 Delabie, E;
4 Silva, C;   5 Hillesheim, JC;   6 Boboc, A;
7 Carvalho, IS;   8 Carvalho, P;   9 Chernyshova, M;
10 Craciunescu, T;   11 de la Luna, E;   12 Fontdecaba, JM;
13 Henriques, R;   14 Jacquet, P;   15 Jepu, I;
16 Kappatou, A;   17 King, D;   18 Lennholm, M;
19 Lerche, E;   20 Litherland Smith, E;   21 Loarte, A;
22 Maslov, M;   23 Diaz, FP;   24 Parail, V;
25 Pawelec, E;   26 Rimini, FG;   27 Shaw, A;
28 Siren, P;   29 Szepesi, G;   30 Stancar, Z;
31 Tholerus, E;   32 Vartanian, S;   33 Viola, B;
34 Weisen, H;