Correction To: Relationship Between Sars-Cov-2 Infection and the Incidence of Ventilator-Associated Lower Respiratory Tract Infections: a European Multicenter Cohort Study (Intensive Care Medicine, (2021), 47, 2, (188-198), 10.1007/S00134-020-06323-9)

Rouzé, A
Martin Loeches, I
Makris, D
Artigas, A
Bouchereau, M
Lambiotte, F
Metzelard, M
Cuchet, P
Boulle Geronimi, C
Mentzelopoulos, SD
Nora, D
Boyd, S
Coelho, L
Maizel, J
Du Cheyron, D
Imouloudene, M
Quenot, JP
Guilbert, A
Cilloniz, C
Document Type
Year published
in Intensive Care Medicine, ISSN: 0342-4642
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85120624968
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0342-4642
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Rouzé, A;   2 Martin Loeches, I;   3 Povoa, P;
4 Makris, D;   5 Artigas, A;   6 Bouchereau, M;
7 Lambiotte, F;   8 Metzelard, M;   9 Cuchet, P;
10 Boulle Geronimi, C;   11 Labruyere, M;   12 Tamion, F;
13 Nyunga, M;   14 Luyt, CE;   15 Labreuche, J;
16 Pouly, O;   17 Bardin, J;   18 Saade, A;
19 Asfar, P;   20 Baudel, JL;   21 Beurton, A;
22 Garot, D;   23 Ioannidou, I;   24 Kreitmann, L;
25 Llitjos, JF;   26 Magira, E;   27 Mégarbane, B;
28 Meguerditchian, D;   29 Moglia, E;   30 Mekontso Dessap, A;
31 Reignier, J;   32 Turpin, M;   33 Pierre, A;
34 Plantefeve, G;   35 Vinsonneau, C;   36 Floch, PE;
37 Weiss, N;   38 Ceccato, A;   39 Torres, A;
40 Duhamel, A;   41 Nseir, S;   42 Favory, R;
43 Preau, S;   44 Jourdain, M;   45 Poissy, J;
46 Bouras, C;   47 Saint Leger, P;   48 Fodil, H;
49 Aptel, F;   50 Van Der Linden, T;   51 Thille, AW;
52 Azoulay, E;   53 Pène, F;   54 Razazi, K;
55 Bagate, F;   56 Contou, D;   57 Voiriot, G;
58 Thevenin, D;   59 Guidet, B;   60 Le Guennec, L;
61 Kouatchet, A;   62 Ehrmann, S;   63 Brunin, G;
64 Morawiec, E;   65 Boyer, A;   66 Argaud, L;
67 Voicu, S;   68 Nieszkowska, A;   69 Kowalski, B;
70 Goma, G;   71 Diaz, E;   72 Morales, L;
73 Tsolaki, V;   74 Gtavriilidis, G;   75 Mentzelopoulos, SD;
76 Nora, D;   77 Boyd, S;   78 Coelho, L;
79 Maizel, J;   80 Du Cheyron, D;   81 Imouloudene, M;
82 Quenot, JP;   83 Guilbert, A;   84 Cilloniz, C;