Improving Preclinical Assessment of Cardioprotective Therapies (Impact) Criteria: Guidelines of the Eu-Cardioprotection Cost Action

Lecour, S
Andreadou, I
Bøtker, HE
Davidson, SM
Heusch, G
Zuurbier, CJ
van Royen, N
Turan, B
Vendelin, M
Walsh, S
Zidar, N
Zuurbier, C
Yellon, D
Document Type
Year published
in Basic Research in Cardiology, ISSN: 0300-8428
Volume: 116, Issue: 1
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ISSN: 0300-8428
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Lecour, S;   2 Andreadou, I;   3 Bøtker, HE;
4 Davidson, SM;   5 Heusch, G;   6 Ruiz-Meana, M;
7 Schulz, R;   8 Zuurbier, CJ;   9 Ferdinandy, P;
10 Hausenloy, DJ;   11 Adamovski, P;   12 Andreadou, I;
13 Batirel, S;   14 Barteková, M;   15 Bertrand, L;
16 Beauloye, C;   17 Biedermann, D;   18 Borutaite, V;
19 Bøtker, HE;   20 Chlopicki, S;   21 Dambrova, M;
22 Davidson, S;   23 Devaux, Y;   24 Di Lisa, F;
25 Djuric, D;   26 Erlinge, D;   27 Falcao-Pires, I ;
28 Ferdinandy, P;   29 Galatou, E;   30 Garcia-Sosa, A;
31 Girao, H;   32 Giricz, Z;   33 Gyongyosi, M;
34 Hausenloy, DJ;   35 Healy, D;   36 Heusch, G;
37 Jakovljevic, V;   38 Jovanic, J;   39 Kararigas, G;
40 Kerkal, R;   41 Kolar, F;   42 Kwak, B;
43 Leszek, P;   44 Liepinsh, E;   45 Lonborg, J;
46 Longnus, S;   47 Marinovic, J;   48 Muntean, DM;
49 Nezic, L;   50 Ovize, M;   51 Pagliaro, P;
52 Da Costa Gomes, CP;   53 Pernow, J;   54 Persidis, A;
55 Pischke, SE;   56 Podesser, B;   57 Potočnjak, I;
58 Prunier, F;   59 Ravingerova, T;   60 Ruiz-Meana, M;
61 Serban, A;   62 Slagsvold, K;   63 Schulz, R;
64 van Royen, N;   65 Turan, B;   66 Vendelin, M;
67 Walsh, S;   68 Zidar, N;   69 Zuurbier, C;
70 Yellon, D;