Treatment Patterns and Outcomes of 2310 Patients with Secondary Acute Myeloid Leukemia: a Pethema Registry Study

Martinez Cuadron, D
Megias Vericat, JE
Serrano, J
Martinez Sanchez, P
Rodriguez Arboli, E
Gil, C
Aguiar, E
Bergua, J
Lopez Lorenzo, JL
Bernal, T
Esteves, GV
Gomez Roncero, MI
Cabello, A
Bautista, G
Balerdi, A
Mariz, J
Boluda, B
Sanz, MA
Montesinos, P
Document Type
Year published
in BLOOD ADVANCES, ISSN: 2473-9529
Volume: 6, Issue: 4, Pages: 1278-1295 (18)
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000761918800021
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2473-9529
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Martinez Cuadron, D;   2 Megias Vericat, JE;   3 Serrano, J;
4 Martinez Sanchez, P;   5 Rodriguez Arboli, E;   6 Gil, C;
7 Aguiar, E;   8 Bergua, J;   9 Lopez Lorenzo, JL;
10 Bernal, T;   11 Espadana, A;   12 Colorado, M;
13 Rodriguez Medina, C;   14 Lopez Pavia, M;   15 Tormo, M;
16 Algarra, L;   17 Amigo, ML;   18 Sayas, MJ;
19 Labrador, J;   20 Rodriguez Gutierrez, JI;   21 Benavente, C;
22 Costilla Barriga, L;   23 Garcia Boyero, R;   24 Lavilla Rubira, E;
25 Vives, S;   26 Herrera, P;   27 Garcia Belmonte, D;
28 Herraez, MM;   29 Esteves, GV;   30 Gomez Roncero, MI;
31 Cabello, A;   32 Bautista, G;   33 Balerdi, A;
34 Mariz, J;   35 Boluda, B;   36 Sanz, MA;
37 Montesinos, P;