Smos Instrument Performance After More Than 11 Years In Orbit

Martín Neira, M
Oliva, R
Onrubia, R
Corbella, I
Rubino, R
Kainulainen, J
Closa, J
Zurita, A
del Castillo, J
González Gambau, V
Crapolicchio, R
Di Ciolo, L
Macelloni, G
Brogioni, M
Montomoli, F
Vogel, P
Ortega, BH
Cortés, EC
Suess, M
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
Pages: 7744-7747
2021 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Igarss 2021, Date: 12 July 2021 through 16 July 2021
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85129789331
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Martín Neira, M;   2 Oliva, R;   3 Onrubia, R;
4 Corbella, I;   5 Duffo, N;   6 Rubino, R;
7 Kainulainen, J;   8 Closa, J;   9 Zurita, A;
10 del Castillo, J;   11 Cabot, F;   12 Khazaal, A;
13 Anterrieu, E;   14 Barbosa, J;   15 Lopes, G;
16 Barros, D;   17 Tenerelli, J;   18 Díez García, R;
19 Rodríguez, V;   20 Fauste, J;   21 Cerón, JMC;
22 Turiel, A;   23 González Gambau, V;   24 Crapolicchio, R;
25 Di Ciolo, L;   26 Macelloni, G;   27 Brogioni, M;
28 Montomoli, F;   29 Vogel, P;   30 Ortega, BH;
31 Cortés, EC;   32 Suess, M;