High-Flow Nasal Oxygen Versus Conventional Oxygen Therapy in Patients with Covid-19 Pneumonia and Mild Hypoxaemia: a Randomised Controlled Trial

Crimi, C
Noto, A
Madotto, F
Ippolito, M
Nolasco, S
Campisi, R
De Vuono, S
Fiorentino, G
Pantazopoulos, I
Chalkias, A
Scala, R
Clini, EM
Ergan, B
Lujan, M
Giarratano, A
Carlucci, A
Gregoretti, C
Groff, P
Cortegiani, A
Group Author(s)
COVID-HIGH Investigators
Document Type
Article in Press
Year published
in THORAX, ISSN: 0040-6376
Volume: 78, Issue: 4, Pages: 354-361 (8)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 35580898
Wos: WOS:000797584700001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0040-6376
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Crimi, C;   2 Noto, A;   3 Madotto, F;
4 Ippolito, M;   5 Nolasco, S;   6 Campisi, R;
7 De Vuono, S;   8 Fiorentino, G;   9 Pantazopoulos, I;
10 Chalkias, A;   11 Libra, A;   12 Mattei, A;
13 Scala, R;   14 Clini, EM;   15 Ergan, B;
16 Lujan, M;   17 Winck, JC ;   18 Giarratano, A;
19 Carlucci, A;   20 Gregoretti, C;   21 Groff, P;
22 Cortegiani, A;