Coastal High-Frequency Radars in the Mediterranean - Part 2: Applications in Support of Science Priorities and Societal Needs

Reyes, E
Aguiar, E
Bendoni, M
Berta, M
Brandini, C
Caceres-Euse, A
Cardin, V
Sciascia, R
Taddei, S
Tintore, J
Uttieri, M
Vilibic, I
Zambianchi, E
Orfila, A
Document Type
Year published
in OCEAN SCIENCE, ISSN: 1812-0784
Volume: 18, Issue: 3, Pages: 797-837 (41)
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000804138300001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1812-0784
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Reyes, E;   2 Aguiar, E;   3 Bendoni, M;
4 Berta, M;   5 Brandini, C;   6 Caceres-Euse, A;
7 Capodici, F;   8 Cardin, V;   9 Cianelli, D;
10 Ciraolo, G;   11 Corgnati, L;   12 Dadic, V;
13 Doronzo, B;   14 Drago, A;   15 Dumas, D;
16 Falco, P;   17 Fattorini, M;   18 Fernandes, MJ;
19 Gauci, A;   20 Gomez, R;   21 Griffa, A;
22 Guerin, CA;   23 Hernandez-Carrasco, I;   24 Hernandez-Lasheras, J;
25 Licer, M;   26 Lorente, P;   27 Magaldi, MG;
28 Mantovani, C;   29 Mihanovic, H;   30 Molcard, A;
31 Mourre, B;   32 Revelard, A;   33 Reyes-Suarez, C;
34 Saviano, S;   35 Sciascia, R;   36 Taddei, S;
37 Tintore, J;   38 Toledo, Y;   39 Uttieri, M;
40 Vilibic, I;   41 Zambianchi, E;   42 Orfila, A;