Establishment of Coronet, Covid-19 Risk in Oncology Evaluation Tool, to Identify Patients With Cancer at Low Versus High Risk of Severe Complications of Covid-19 Disease On Presentation to Hospital

Lee, RJ
Wysocki, O
Zhou, C
Shotton, R
Tivey, A
Landers, D
Cooksley, T
Dive, C
Freitas, A
Armstrong, AC
Document Type
Year published
Volume: 6
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 35609228
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85130652633
Wos: WOS:000806403000001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2473-4276
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Lee, RJ;   2 Wysocki, O;   3 Zhou, C;
4 Shotton, R;   5 Tivey, A;   6 Lever, L;
7 Woodcock, J;   8 Albiges, L;   9 Angelakas, A;
10 Arnold, D;   11 Aung, T;   12 Banfill, K;
13 Baxter, M;   14 Barlesi, F;   15 Bayle, A;
16 Besse, B;   17 Bhogal, T;   18 Boyce, H;
19 Britton, F;   20 Calles, A;   21 Castelo-Branco, L;
22 Copson, E;   23 Croitoru, AE;   24 Dani, SS;
25 Dickens, E;   26 Eastlake, L;   27 Fitzpatrick, P;
28 Foulon, S;   29 Frederiksen, H;   30 Frost, H;
31 Ganatra, S;   32 Gennatas, S;   33 Glenthoj, A;
34 Gomes, F;   35 Graham, DM;   36 Hague, C;
37 Harrington, K;   38 Harrison, M;   39 Horsley, L;
40 Hoskins, R;   41 Huddar, P;   42 Hudson, Z;
43 Jakobsen, LH;   44 Joharatnam-Hogan, N;   45 Khan, S;
46 Khan, UT;   47 Khan, K;   48 Massard, C;
49 Maynard, A;   50 McKenzie, H;   51 Michielin, O;
52 Mosenthal, AC;   53 Obispo, B;   54 Patel, R;
55 Pentheroudakis, G;   56 Peters, S;   57 Rieger-Christ, K;
58 Robinson, T;   59 Rogado, J;   60 Romano, E;
61 Rowe, M;   62 Sekacheva, M;   63 Sheehan, R;
64 Stevenson, J;   65 Stockdale, A;   66 Thomas, A;
67 Turtle, L;   68 Vinal, D;   69 Weaver, J;
70 Williams, S;   71 Wilson, C;   72 Palmieri, C;
73 Landers, D;   74 Cooksley, T;   75 Dive, C;
76 Freitas, A;   77 Armstrong, AC;