Vaccelerate Volunteer Registry: A European Study Participant Database to Facilitate Clinical Trial Enrolment

Salmanton García, J
Stewart, FA
Heringer, S
Koniordou, M
Álvarez Barco, E
Argyropoulos, CD
Themistocleous, SC
Valle Simón, P
Spivak, O
Marques, L
Mellinghoff, SC
Nauclér, P
Tacconelli, E
Tóth, K
Zaoutis, TE
Zeitlinger, M
Cornely, OA
Pana, ZD
Document Type
Year published
in Vaccine, ISSN: 0264-410X
Volume: 40, Issue: 31, Pages: 4090-4097
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 35659449
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85131369390
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0264-410X
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Salmanton García, J;   2 Stewart, FA;   3 Heringer, S;
4 Koniordou, M;   5 Álvarez Barco, E;   6 Argyropoulos, CD;
7 Themistocleous, SC;   8 Valle Simón, P;   9 Spivak, O;
10 Součková, L;   11 Merakou, C;   12 Amélia Mendonça, M;
13 Joanna Davis, R;   14 Maria Azzini, A;   15 Askling, HH;
16 Vene, S;   17 Van Damme, P;   18 Steinbach, A;
19 Shiamakkides, G;   20 Seidel, D;   21 Olesen, OF;
22 Noula, E;   23 Macken, A;   24 Luís, C;
25 Leckler, J;   26 Launay, O;   27 Isitt, C;
28 Hellemans, M;   29 Frías Iniesta, J;   30 Di Marzo, R;
31 Carcas, AJ;   32 Boustras, G;   33 Borobia, AM;
34 Barta, I;   35 Albus, K;   36 Akova, M;
37 Ochando, J;   38 Cohen Kandli, M;   39 Jane Cox, R;
40 Husa, P;   41 Jancoriene, L;   42 Mallon, P;
43 Marques, L;   44 Mellinghoff, SC;   45 Nauclér, P;
46 Tacconelli, E;   47 Tóth, K;   48 Zaoutis, TE;
49 Zeitlinger, M;   50 Cornely, OA;   51 Pana, ZD;