In Vitro Antifungal Activity of Ibrexafungerp (Scy-078) Against Contemporary Blood Isolates From Medically Relevant Species of Candida: A European Study

Quindós, G
Miranda Cadena, K
San Millán, R
Borroto Esoda, K
Cantón, E
Linares Sicilia, MJ
Hamprecht, A
Montesinos, I
Tortorano, AM
Prigitano, A
Pemán, J
Guarro, J
Pereira, J
Pais, C
Romeo, O
Ezpeleta, G
Angulo, D
Eraso, E
Document Type
Year published
in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, ISSN: 2235-2988
Volume: 12
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 35651755
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85131270958
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2235-2988
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Quindós, G;   2 Miranda Cadena, K;   3 San Millán, R;
4 Borroto Esoda, K;   5 Cantón, E;   6 Linares Sicilia, MJ;
7 Hamprecht, A;   8 Montesinos, I;   9 Tortorano, AM;
10 Prigitano, A;   11 Vidal García, M;   12 Marcos Arias, C;
13 Guridi, A;   14 Sanchez Reus, F;   15 Machuca Bárcena, J;
16 Rodríguez Iglesias, MA;   17 Martín Mazuelos, E;   18 Castro Méndez, C;
19 López Soria, L;   20 Ruiz Gaitán, A;   21 Fernandez Rivero, M;
22 Lorenzo, D;   23 Capilla, J;   24 Rezusta, A;
25 Pemán, J;   26 Guarro, J;   27 Pereira, J;
28 Pais, C;   29 Romeo, O;   30 Ezpeleta, G;
31 Jauregizar, N;   32 Angulo, D;   33 Eraso, E;