CORRECTION: Health-Related Quality of Life After Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy: Results From the Inspire Registry (Annals of Surgical Oncology, (2022), 29, 3, (1722-1734), 10.1245/S10434-021-10930-1)

Noordhoek, I
Espinosa Bravo, M
Mátrai, Z
Zhygulin, A
Irmejs, A
Mavioso, C
Meani, F
González, E
Imoto, SS
Di Micco, R
Bonetti, A
Sallam, I
Weber, W
Luna Bureo, R
Ioannidis, O
El Shinawi, M
Document Type
Article in Press
Year published
in Annals of Surgical Oncology, ISSN: 1068-9265
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 35486268
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85133889572
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1068-9265
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Esgueva, AJ;   2 Noordhoek, I;   3 Kranenbarg, EMK;
4 Espinosa Bravo, M;   5 Mátrai, Z;   6 Zhygulin, A;
7 Irmejs, A;   8 Mavioso, C;   9 Meani, F;
10 González, E;   11 Özdemir, M;   12 Allweis, T;
13 Rogowski, K;   14 dos Santos, CR;   15 Mora, H;
16 Ponzone, R;   17 Samorani, D;   18 van de Velde, C;
19 Audisio, RA;   20 Rubio, IT;   21 Hayashida, T;
22 Acosta Marín, V;   23 Kiernan, T;   24 Negreiros, I;
25 Paulinelli, RRR;   26 Srivastava, A;   27 Imoto, SS;
28 Di Micco, R;   29 Bonetti, A;   30 Kołacińska, A;
31 Sallam, I;   32 Weber, W;   33 Luna Bureo, R;
34 Ioannidis, O;   35 El Shinawi, M;   36 the, Icg;