Next-Generation Communication Systems for Ppdr: the Salus Perspective

Marques, H
Pereira, L
Rodriguez, J
Mantas, G
Sousa, B
Fonseca, H
Cordeiro, L
Palma, D
Barbatsalou, K
Simões, P
Galiotos, P
Chrysikos, T
Jelenc, D
Kos, J
Ladas, A
Weerasinghe, N
Adigun, O
Politis, C
Müller, W
Document Type
Book Chapter
Year published
in Wireless Public Safety Networks Volume 1: Overview and Challenges
Pages: 49-93
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85134958994
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Marques, H;   2 Pereira, L;   3 Rodriguez, J;
4 Mantas, G;   5 Sousa, B;   6 Fonseca, H;
7 Cordeiro, L;   8 Palma, D;   9 Barbatsalou, K;
10 Simões, P;   11 Monteiro, E;   12 Nyanyo, A;
13 Wickson, P;   14 Bouwers, B;   15 Kolundzija, B;
16 Olcan, D;   17 Zerbib, D;   18 Brouet, J;
19 Lasserre, P;   20 Galiotos, P;   21 Chrysikos, T;
22 Jelenc, D;   23 Kos, J;   24 Trček, D;
25 Ladas, A;   26 Weerasinghe, N;   27 Adigun, O;
28 Politis, C;   29 Müller, W;