Author Correction: Increased Circulation Time of Plasmodium Falciparum Underlies Persistent Asymptomatic Infection in the Dry Season (Nature Medicine, (2020), 26, 12, (1929-1940), 10.1038/S41591-020-1084-0)

Andrade, CM
Fleckenstein, H
Thomson Luque, R
Doumbo, S
Lima, NF
Anderson, C
Hibbert, J
Hopp, CS
Tran, TM
Li, S
Färnert, A
Kayentao, K
Lavstsen, T
Osório, NS
Otto, TD
Recker, M
Traore, B
Crompton, PD
Portugal, S
Document Type
Article in Press
Year published
in Nature Medicine, ISSN: 1078-8956
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 35927582
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85135580862
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1078-8956
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Andrade, CM;   2 Fleckenstein, H;   3 Thomson Luque, R;
4 Doumbo, S;   5 Lima, NF;   6 Anderson, C;
7 Hibbert, J;   8 Hopp, CS;   9 Tran, TM;
10 Li, S;   11 Niangaly, M;   12 Cisse, H;
13 Doumtabe, D;   14 Skinner, J;   15 Sturdevant, D;
16 Ricklefs, S;   17 Virtaneva, K;   18 Asghar, M;
19 Homann, MV;   20 Turner, L;   21 Martins, J;
22 Allman, EL;   23 N’Dri, ME;   24 Winkler, V;
25 Llinás, M;   26 Lavazec, C;   27 Martens, C;
28 Färnert, A;   29 Kayentao, K;   30 Ongoiba, A;
31 Lavstsen, T;   32 Osório, NS;   33 Otto, TD;
34 Recker, M;   35 Traore, B;   36 Crompton, PD;
37 Portugal, S;