10Th Epa Summer School on Research 2021: Sharing Experience of the First Online Edition [10E Université D’été de L’epa Sur la Recherche 2021: Partage de L’expérience de la Première Édition En Ligne]

Tapoi, C
de Filippis, R
Di Lodovico, L
Filip, M
Fusar Poli, L
Salas, DG
Román Jarrín, A
Noël, C
Hanon, C
Hoertel, N
da Costa, MP
Raballo, A
Sartorius, N
Document Type
Year published
in Information Psychiatrique, ISSN: 0020-0204
Volume: 98, Issue: 6, Pages: 469-474
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85135781008
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0020-0204
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Tapoi, C;   2 de Filippis, R;   3 Di Lodovico, L;
4 Filip, M;   5 Fusar Poli, L;   6 Salas, DG;
7 Nwaubani, P;   8 Longás, BP;   9 Pushko, A;
10 Román Jarrín, A;   11 Santos, MJ;   12 Silagadze, K;
13 Sorokin, M;   14 Noël, C;   15 Gürcan, A;
16 Mieze, K;   17 Çıkrıkçılı, U;   18 Mijaljica, G;
19 Hanon, C;   20 Hoertel, N;   21 da Costa, MP;
22 Raballo, A;   23 Sartorius, N;