Rituximab-Lenalidomide(R2) Maintenance Is Superior to Rituximab Maintenance After First Line Immunochemotherapy in Mantle Cell Lymphoma: Results of the Mcl R2 Elderly Clinical Trial

Ribrag, V
Safar, V
Kluin Nelemans, H
Casasnovas, O
Thieblemont, C
Daguindau, N
Damaj, GL
da Silva, MG
Marin Niebla, A
Taszner, M
Walewski, J
Boersma, R
Delfau Larue, MH
Le Gouill, S
Dreyling, MH
Document Type
Year published
in BLOOD, ISSN: 0006-4971
Volume: 138
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000736398801155
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0006-4971
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Ribrag, V;   2 Safar, V;   3 Kluin Nelemans, H;
4 Oberic, L;   5 Feugier, P;   6 Casasnovas, O;
7 Thieblemont, C;   8 Daguindau, N;   9 Damaj, GL;
10 Klapper, W;   11 Hoster, E;   12 von Weikersthal, LF;
13 Haenel, M;   14 Andre, M;   15 da Silva, MG;
16 Carcinero, F;   17 Marin Niebla, A;   18 Taszner, M;
19 Walewski, J;   20 Boersma, R;   21 Houtenbos, I;
22 Delfau Larue, MH;   23 Le Gouill, S;   24 Dreyling, MH;