Outcomes of Etravirine-Based Antiretroviral Treatment in Treatment-Experienced Children and Adolescents Living with Hiv in Europe and Thailand

Lyons, A
Thompson, L
Chappell, E
Ene, L
Galli, L
Goetghebuer, T
Jourdain, G
Noguera Julian, A
Kahlert, CR
Prata, F
Puthanakit, T
Ramos, JT
Samarina, A
Thorne, C
Voronin, E
Turkova, A
Giaquinto, C
Judd, A
Collins, IJ
Document Type
Year published
in Antiviral therapy, ISSN: 2040-2058
Volume: 27, Issue: 3
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 36029009
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85137134603
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2040-2058
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 European, PAPICCE;   2 Lyons, A;   3 Thompson, L;
4 Chappell, E;   5 Ene, L;   6 Galli, L;
7 Goetghebuer, T;   8 Jourdain, G;   9 Noguera Julian, A;
10 Kahlert, CR;   11 Königs, C;   12 Kosalaraksa, P;
13 Lumbiganon, P;   14 Marczyńska, M;   15 Marques, L;
16 Navarro, M;   17 Naver, L;   18 Okhonskaia, L;
19 Prata, F;   20 Puthanakit, T;   21 Ramos, JT;
22 Samarina, A;   23 Thorne, C;   24 Voronin, E;
25 Turkova, A;   26 Giaquinto, C;   27 Judd, A;
28 Collins, IJ;