Factors Associated with Severe Covid-19 in People with Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy: Results from the Covid-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance Physician-Reported Registry

Yeoh, SA
Gianfrancesco, M
Lawson Tovey, S
Hyrich, KL
Strangfeld, A
Gossec, L
Carmona, L
Mateus, EF
Schäfer, M
Gore Massy, M
Sufka, P
Grainger, R
Bhana, S
Wallace, Z
Robinson, PC
Yazdany, J
Group Author(s)
COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Allia
Document Type
Year published
in RMD OPEN, ISSN: 2056-5933
Volume: 8, Issue: 2
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 36100295
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85137826729
Wos: WOS:000853812900004
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2056-5933
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Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome   Name Order Nome
1 Yeoh, SA;   2 Gianfrancesco, M;   3 Lawson Tovey, S;
4 Hyrich, KL;   5 Strangfeld, A;   6 Gossec, L;
7 Carmona, L;   8 Mateus, EF;   9 Schäfer, M;
10 Richez, C;   11 Hachulla, E;   12 Holmqvist, M;
13 Scirè, CA;   14 Lorenz, HM;   15 Voll, RE;
16 Hasseli, R;   17 Jayatilleke, A;   18 Hsu, TYT;
19 D'Silva, KM;   20 Pimentel Quiroz, VR;   21 Vasquez Del Mercado, M;
22 Shinjo, SK;   23 Neto, ETDR;   24 Junior, LFDR;
25 de Oliveira E Silva Montandon, AC;   26 Pons Estel, GJ;   27 Ornella, S;
28 D'Angelo Exeni, ME;   29 Velozo, E;   30 Jordan, P;
31 Sirotich, E;   32 Hausmann, JS;   33 Liew, JW;
34 Jacobsohn, L;   35 Gore Massy, M;   36 Sufka, P;
37 Grainger, R;   38 Bhana, S;   39 Wallace, Z;
40 Robinson, PC;   41 Yazdany, J;   42 Machado, PM;
43 COVID 19, GRA;